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Belgium Road Ways. Two on the loose. Dan with down travels anywhere.
Two people, heading out, an improvised road trip. May open travel return. Itinerary: Waterloo. Bastogne Brussels, Ghent, Ypres (Ieper), Bruges, Antwerp. Trips hub: See
Thursday, December 06, 2018
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
Big Margot, Medieval Standard Bearer, Battle of Roosebeke, Belgium.
Women in War
The Flemish Big Margot 1382
The discoveries continue. Northeast of Ieper, is the town of Westrozebeke. Ieper is also spelled, from old French, Ypres -- the town that was Wipers to my Canadian army uncle in WWI. Hello, Uncle Len.
A woman as standard bearer. In Westrozebeke, in 1381, a battle ensued between the Flemish and the French. The Flemish battle standard was borne by a woman known as Big Margot, see page 455 of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare. It appears that the Flemish were upstart commoners, against noblemen of France, who were ruling at the time. Is that so?
Big Margot fell at the battle, also called the Battle of Roosebeke. That battle is described briefly but she is not mentioned that I could see, at The War in the Low Countries.
Women in war: Not unusual, and even taught in bastions of male techological education, now including female, see Women's initiatives for themselves occurred openly until forbidden, and when a role of obedience substituted for them instead. See
Women and Religion in Old and New Worlds, edited by Debra Meyers, Susan Dinan 2014 at pp.75ff. See alsoWomen in Froissart : their role in society and the Hundred Years War, Froissart as a chronicler of events of medieval times, see /
Women bearing arms, who and why: find more, including women in the Hundred Years' War, the Hussite Wars, Sichelgaita of Salerno, Italy (middle-aged, mother of 10) who took up arms later in life, 1076 life, see a bibliography at the Oxford site above.
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Ieper, Ypres, Poet David Jones
David Jones is not as well known as many other poets of the WWI era, see!/2007/11/war-poets-poetry-from-trenches-wwi.html.
Meet him here. He wrote of Ypres. Find his biography at
My uncle (now long deceased, but I remember) who fought at Ypres used to call it "Wipers." That reference is part of David Jones' work: He wrote, in notes to Part III of his long poem, In Parenthesis: "It was held by some that 'Wipers" was only proper in the mouth of a man out before the end of 1915, by others that the user must have served at the First Battle of Ypres in 1914.
In Parenthesis: Read a review at; and Part VII at Discussion, and excerpts from Part II:
Meet him here. He wrote of Ypres. Find his biography at
My uncle (now long deceased, but I remember) who fought at Ypres used to call it "Wipers." That reference is part of David Jones' work: He wrote, in notes to Part III of his long poem, In Parenthesis: "It was held by some that 'Wipers" was only proper in the mouth of a man out before the end of 1915, by others that the user must have served at the First Battle of Ypres in 1914.
In Parenthesis: Read a review at; and Part VII at Discussion, and excerpts from Part II:
David Jones,
David Jones poet,
epic poem,
In Parenthesis,
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Ypres, or Ieper (WWI) - Menen Gate and WWI Salient; Flanders Field

Ieper (Ypres) was the site of prolonged battles in WWI. It is near the French border. Arras is not far. See a film about the trench warfare and the area at ://
The town, bombed out, has been reconstructed and this Gate is the site of daily taps-memorials-services for whatever group has scheduled itself for that time. There are readings of names, and a small service, color guards. Note the rainbow. The Gate heads toward the next town, Menen, and groups gather from all different countries here.
We caught the rainbow. No need for advance reservations to spend the night. There are plenty of B&B's, and if the first ones are full, ask if they could refer you. They will probably even call ahead for you, and give you a map.
Wars get personal.
Meet a veteran, my uncle in this 1950's or so photo, who fought at Ypres with the Canadian Army. He used to say that he and his companions called the place "Wipers." He was gassed, but recovered without injury. He did not talk much about the war. He did say that in a convoy of trucks, the one immediately behind his was blown up, no survivors.

The white square by his glasses must be part of the windowsill?
I have heard the town pronounced as "Eeps" - the French - and "Eeper." German or Dutch? Watch your map, and you will probably find the spelling "Ieper" now.
For a photo gallery, see
The town is in West Flanders, and a war overview is at At the beginning of the battle (there were several long ones), people would go out in their carriages and watch.
For all sites, go to the home page first, and only use the rest of the address as is helpful.
People to remember:
Col. John McCrae
John McCrae wrote the famous poem, In Flanders Field, and was Canadian. Read the poem again, and about how and when it was written in 1915, at an Arlington Cemetery site -- His biography is at See and hear it at ://; or ://
Do not miss the exhibits at the war museum. Panoramas, scenes, reenactments, lights, sound.
And the poem.
"In Flanders fields the poppies blow (1)
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields."
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Ypres, or Ieper (WWI) - "In Flanders' Field;" and Arras, France: Finding War Dead
Finding War Dead
Lieutenant Colonel Maurice Edwin McConaghey
Lieutenant Colonel Maurice Edwin McConaghey
World War I. This "The Great War", "The War To End All Wars"
World War I is remote for many, visions of endless mud and treacherous trench warfare, agony for horses still ridden against the bullets. It is current for us with an interest in history, and specific participants. See map at Many if not most war records from the First World War were destroyed in the bombing of London in World War II, particularly the wounded. Death records are available more reliably.
Finding people. We were looking for a relative who had served in the Royal Scots Fusiliers, Maurice Edwin McConaghy, and who fell near Ypres, now Ieper, during WWI. He is buried near Arras, France, see
Finding World War I records: How to do that
1. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission website at . This works if the spelling input is the same as the record. If the soldier or officer changed the spelling of a surname without other relatives recording that, go deeper. We did not find Maurice McConaghy through the War Graves.
2. We then went to the Documents Office at Ieper itself. This is a records library. The clerk went on the computer, found nothing (as we had found nothing) but thought to check the military logs and narratives written about events.
He found the old cloth bound book, The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (1678-1918) by John Buchan, with a preface by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Colonel-In-Chief, published by Thomas Nelson and Sons. The clerk photocopied pages that related to the 2d Division, with Maurice Edwin McConaghey, Lt. Col. That is the one. "Maurice McConaghey." But with an "e" in the McConaghey.
Also described -where and how he was first wounded, and then, near Arras, fell.
3. The Burial.
Burials are in pocket cemeteries, not big memorial parks. In this area, they buried many soldiers where they fell in WWI, so there are literally hundreds of vest-pocket size cemeteries all around France and Belgium. Ours was among the 500 pocket cemesteries near Arras, France - so of course we went there. We finally found it. Immaculate caretaking.

Gravestone. Lt. Col. Maurice McConaghey with the "e." Killed in 1917. Hello, salute, and yes, we do remember. He had also served in South Africa. We even found the record of the hospital ship online that brought Maurice McConaghey back from South Africa, wounded. See Boer Wars, Studying Wars
The Canadian officer who wrote the famous WWI poem, "In Flanders Field," John McRae, and who died in 1915, had also served in South Africa. For the poem, see
We left a pebble on the top of the headstone.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Flanders Field: Battlefields, World War I. Ieper

A "salient" juts into enemy territory, making it particularly vulnerable - see the large poking area on the map here. Nearly surrounded. See :// See also //
Here is the relief map of the Salient, the front formed by the British, Canadian, French and Belgian forces, at Ypres, or Ieper, Belgium. It is spelled Ieper on modern maps. Photos and history; and later post here. Photos of the Salient - ttp://
Years of warfare in one place. There were three battles at Ypres - resulting in the town's total destruction. First in 1914, defending against the German push to the sea. Second in 1915, where trenches and gas were used. The area is flat, making trenches imperative. Third in 1917, known as the battle of Passchendaele. In 1918, the Germans were finally pushed back by an offensive at that time.
Newspaper yesterday: young people are not learning the history of the world wars, for lack of school hours and setting other priorities. Teach your own. Find Flanders at
Flanders' Field,
World War I,
WWI Salient,
Friday, September 14, 2007
Antwerp: Best Docks Restaurant and Hosts -The "Pan-Earth, All Cuisines"

Art! Food! Conversation! Fufu if you want it! Any culinary tradition, you get it. Feel right at home.

A must. The Pan-Earth All Cuisines restaurant. Down by the docks (Bonaparte dok). It is set up to serve the world's merchant marine, read about the world-wide maritime (tanker, and other commercial freight?) fleets and the countries at // Here are the water transportation occupational information: No job security, one voyage at a time, several months each, 4-12 hour shifts. Long time away from family, no healthcare? About 1/2 unionized? See site.
The chef and owner of this fine jewel of a restaurant says he wants to give a taste of home, a little warmth, to the sailors and merchant seamen. The food is not just for the merchant mariners, though. We recommend it to everyone.
The Seamen's Institute is nearby. Here is the work of the Institute in New York, but it appears to be virtually world-wide in offering services and training to seafarers, including those settling in an area. See Search also for the Institute in Newport, RI and Philadelphia. Wikipedia has it starting in Hong Kong. See //'s_Institute.
I was sure I wrote down his name, but I can't find it. He said he can prepare any cuisine worldwide, as requested, from anywhere. Dan ordered steak and mango, and I had African (Congo chicken).

Should have ordered fufu or asked for pounded yam but was too slow to think of it. Rice received and excellent. He said to order the piccadillo next time. Everybody got in the pictures.
He is a fine chef, and the portrait was done by an admiring patron when he opened this restaurant. Go there. Enjoy.
But, remember that the port area has lots of other recreational offerings going on, so expect what you see. People earning a living. We stopped in one place first, then chose to move on. Not that it was not friendly - the people were. But they didn't serve dinner. Fine.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Antwerp: The Water View Floatel. Diamond Princess Flotel.
Where to spend the night, when the cute, smaller places near the old town are full: Try a floatel. A fine vintage one is the Diamond Princess, Bonapartedok, Antwerp. A flotel.
Fair use thumbnail from
We stayed in a cabin on a converted Norwegian cruise liner now permanently moored in the docks area, called Bonaparte dok (after Napoleon - looking up what he did here). See the docks area at This may be becoming a museum dock. The ship is the Diamond Princess and it dates from the 1950's. See it at // Breakfast restaurant included. Excellent choice. See
Plan to spend more time in Antwerp than in Brussels. Commercial, like Brussels, and cosmopolitan, but also more walkable, and with active navigation and big castles. Much destroyed in WWII, but also much reconstructed. See Antwerp overview at; and its history at Trabel means travel, if you do a search on that.
Fair use thumbnail from
We stayed in a cabin on a converted Norwegian cruise liner now permanently moored in the docks area, called Bonaparte dok (after Napoleon - looking up what he did here). See the docks area at This may be becoming a museum dock. The ship is the Diamond Princess and it dates from the 1950's. See it at // Breakfast restaurant included. Excellent choice. See
Plan to spend more time in Antwerp than in Brussels. Commercial, like Brussels, and cosmopolitan, but also more walkable, and with active navigation and big castles. Much destroyed in WWII, but also much reconstructed. See Antwerp overview at; and its history at Trabel means travel, if you do a search on that.
Antwerp: Art - Rubens; Medieval Architecture - the Butcher's Hall

Antwerp art: Peter Paul Rubens, painting, see I believe this one was from Antwerp. He of the robust ladies. Do an images search on Rubens. Diets, begone. Far more healthy to balance enjoyment of life's calories, against fashion.

2. Medieval structures. These . can be huge - and not just the castles. Here is the new Butcher's Hall from 1515 - built then to enlarge the old Butcher's Hall, from the 1200's, both for the Guilds. Each end of the building has a different facade? I do not believe there are two separate halls, just different angles of the one building? See The striping effect of the stone plus the size - Antwerp's glory century.
Antwerp Legends: Brabo and the Flung Hand; Langewapper at Steen

1. Antwerp's Stories: Brabo. Here is Town Hall, in the main square or Grote Markt. Look at the left - the statue on one foot like a baseball pitcher. That represents Brabo and the Legend of the Hand.
The fellow is a Roman soldier, Brabo, who saved the day. He chopped off the hand of the giant of those times who was exacting a high priced toll from all comers. The soldier chopped off and flung the hand in the river - and the town adopted the hand as its symbol after that. See Brabo statue write-up at

2. Now meet the Lange Wapper, or Langewapper, the statue in front of Steen Castle - steen meaning stone. The Steen is all that remains of an old citadel, see,_Belgium. What are those people... oh, for heaven's sake! Gone!
One explanation is that Antwerp's 16th Century Jesuits, see site on Jesuits at, objected to the attention given to this gentleman's attributes and ordered the lop. Leaving fertility seekers at a loss. Tut. See The statue is so prominent that anyone would ask. FN1
Many other tourist websites give no whiff of this anatomical background of the statue, pointing only to the quality of the shapeshifter, including from giant to small, or trickster as at See more stories at
Others offer both angles: here is a site supporting the endowment element, as well as the demon or shapeshifter:
See stories about Langewapper at FN 2.
FN 1
Etymology. Wikipedia wants to know the origin of the word "twerp." See
Perhaps Antwerp's clerical cultural bleeping here, as to the hapless partless Langewapper, triggered the pejorative "twerps" as to the censors. For other brilliant speculations about twerps, see; and more on derivations at Following the thought here, perhaps Antwerp's Exuberance Restoration Committee could hold a referendum to reverse the dismemberment after these 400-500 years. Members only. The Mannequin Pis survives in Brussels, after all. See Age discrimination; overzealous culture reframing, leading to dull. See
FN 2
Here is one of the Langewapper stories: it supports the trickster theory, not the accoutrement. It is in Dutch. See See translation, below, from To get your own translation, copy and past it to any other translation service on the net.
This is the fair use translation Babelfish result:
"On a beautiful spring evening were the children still lets play on the stone square, then a visible rich lord came there aanwandelen. He had a large pocket which put full snoep,* all sweet heerlijkheden* which you could consider also but. He distributed them with generous hand to the children, but at the same time walked away he continuously more of the stone square, of keel. He started how longer how more rapidly to run and it was crazy thereby that he distributed more and more snoep. The screaming children continued keep track of him. Eventually were themselves they without them at, already a complete end on the Boomsesteenweg* and suddenly that generous Mr had disappeared, as solved in air. They could hear only spotlach* still its and then knew them that them flies long had followed."
aanwendelen: not found yet
snoep: nibble. See
heerlijkheden: not found yet
Boomsesteenweg: not found yet
spotlach: not found yet
Other Langewapper info - do your own translation of this - is it a story or a comment? I have not done this translation. //
lange wapper,
Steen Castle
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